Hello friends-
I know it has been a long time since I have posted about my journey. Yesterday marked one year from when I went under the knife to better align my physical and mental image after losing 115 pounds. I have to say that this has been a long year filled with personal ups and downs, professional advances, family health crisis and much more. All of those things have kept me busy enough not to post, but the reality of it is that there hasn't been much to post about regarding my transformation. I've been hitting the gym pretty hard the last six months in an effort to gain some muscle that I lost while losing weight. I have been pretty successful so far and starting to see result - even getting some compliments from those around me about muscle tone. That make me very excited to push harder!
My body has long healed and settling into its new tighter mid-section. I still have not completely regained the feeling in the nerves around the incision and belly button. I feel pressure, but exact feeling is still missing. I hear it can take a long time for the nerves to reconnect and some don't come back at all. My back and flanks where they did some lipo still gets tender at times. I've had a few massages since surgery and tend to notice that tenderness most then. Almost feels like needles when the pressure is.
Posting a few pictures below (no jokes about how pasty white I am, please). You can see the the incision line is healing up nicely. It's slowly starting to fade away. I used to think it would take forever, but now I don't even seem to notice it.
At the end of the day, a year later...I have no regrets! Having this surgery has changed my life and allowed me to finally feel a sense of accomplishment in my transformation. I couldn't have done it without the help of my friends and family. You all have been so wonderful! Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Now, let's see what 2016 has in store!
A place to share my journey and transformation of going from 315 pounds to 205 pounds. With excess skin removal surgery date set for December 15th I will write about the process, the feelings, the surgery, recovery and so much more!

Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Sunday, March 1, 2015
Things have been fairly uneventful around here lately. I had to make last minute trip to Las Vegas to support a large project and it was the first time I really put my body to the test. Being on my feet for 15hrs a day covering 8+ miles a day put a big strain on the ole tummy area. Mostly in the form of swelling. It got so bad that I actually started feeling uncomfortable - the same feeling you get when you eat way too much. Again, the swelling is part of the healing process. Just frustrating.
I'm back in the gym again 3-4 times a week. Mostly focused on lifting to gain muscle. I friend of mine told me about an app called "Strong Lifts 5X5" which I've really enjoyed using so far. It starts you at low weight, 5 sets of 5 reps. Has really helped me get back into it, re-establish technique/form and let my body get used to it again. Keeps me very excited about getting into the gym.
The hardest part of lifting to build muscle is eating. Someone of my height/weight/activity level should consume around 2800 calories a day! WHOA! That's a lot of calories when eating clean. Trying to get enough protein in my body to help build the muscle is a full time job. Anyone have any thoughts or tips on how to make this happen?
Finally - I bought a Jawbone UP 24. I love it! So much better than the Fitbit...at least for me. The app is slick, the device itself it easier to wear and keeps me motivated to get up and move. My office has started a Fit Challenge and many people have purchased these things to help keep track of steps, calories, etc. I highly recommend it to anyone interested it staying motivated.
Overall I am still very pleased with the results and have no regrets! Thank you to everyone that has supported me through this journey, to those who have joined me and to those that will continue to follow me - you are very appreciated!
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
Week 7 - Green Light
This week marks 7 weeks since my surgery! I haven't posted in a while because I've been in a fairly mundane routine. Work has been great! I've become more active - going on brisk walks on the trail and on the treadmill. All trying to ease my way back into a routine so as soon my the doctor clears me for activity I can hit the ground running...literally.
This week I met with my surgeon for the first time since my drains came out. It was a short check up but a couple of things happened during the check up:
1. Green light for all activity - working out included
2. Ditch the abdominal binder
He was very pleased with the preliminary results and had no concerns at this point. He set my next appointment for the six month mark. At that time I will take my first set of before and after photos. Looking forward tot that.
So I left the appointment feeling good. Accomplished. Happy. And without my abdominal binder. The rest of the day was good. A little uncomfortable being without constriction around my waist, but knowing it was time. Feeling blood flow through areas that have been constricted 24hrs a day/7days a week is painful.
Today was my first full day without the binder. Man oh man was I in for a rude awakening. The pain feels similar to having a bad sunburn...when you sit against that sunburn and then stand up quickly. Uncomfortable. And the swelling....damn it. I know it's part of the process, but man it is a mind f@$#! The binder keeps swelling down, but isn't meant to be worn forever. The body has to heal itself and being able to control swelling is part of that. So I've officially entered what is commonly known as "Swell Hell"....estimated time to deal with random swelling: UP TO 6 MONTHS! Ugh....
To end on a positive note: all of my clothes are fitting amazingly well. Exactly how I've always envisioned them fitting! It really makes going to my closet a much more enjoyable experience.
Below is a 7 week post op photo. This photo was taken on Monday before the ab binder was removed from my daily wear, but gives a good view of what things are looking like!
This week I met with my surgeon for the first time since my drains came out. It was a short check up but a couple of things happened during the check up:
1. Green light for all activity - working out included
2. Ditch the abdominal binder
He was very pleased with the preliminary results and had no concerns at this point. He set my next appointment for the six month mark. At that time I will take my first set of before and after photos. Looking forward tot that.
So I left the appointment feeling good. Accomplished. Happy. And without my abdominal binder. The rest of the day was good. A little uncomfortable being without constriction around my waist, but knowing it was time. Feeling blood flow through areas that have been constricted 24hrs a day/7days a week is painful.
Today was my first full day without the binder. Man oh man was I in for a rude awakening. The pain feels similar to having a bad sunburn...when you sit against that sunburn and then stand up quickly. Uncomfortable. And the swelling....damn it. I know it's part of the process, but man it is a mind f@$#! The binder keeps swelling down, but isn't meant to be worn forever. The body has to heal itself and being able to control swelling is part of that. So I've officially entered what is commonly known as "Swell Hell"....estimated time to deal with random swelling: UP TO 6 MONTHS! Ugh....
To end on a positive note: all of my clothes are fitting amazingly well. Exactly how I've always envisioned them fitting! It really makes going to my closet a much more enjoyable experience.
Below is a 7 week post op photo. This photo was taken on Monday before the ab binder was removed from my daily wear, but gives a good view of what things are looking like!
Monday, January 12, 2015
Week 4 - Back to the Office
Today is 4 weeks post-op! On Saturday I finally got that second pesky drain removed. Much more painful than the first one, but after being in my body for 26 days it was to be expected. It was a very liberating moment though! My doctor said everything is looking fantastic!
Today was my first day back in the office after 4 weeks. I was very excited to be back around my peers, my team and the excitement of a new year. I may have been a little too excited and was all over the office. Went to lunch with a colleague. Made my rounds. By 3pm I was feeling the pressure in my abdomen. Getting home and getting into comfortable clothes revealed some swelling had returned. This is to be expected as I haven't been overly active until this point. Just a part of the process that I have to put in the right place to not let it get me down.
I go back to see my doctor in 3 weeks. Hopefully will be cleared to get back into the gym! I miss it. I miss being active. I know I will have to ease back into it, but I sure am ready!
Here are a few pictures from week 4!
Today was my first day back in the office after 4 weeks. I was very excited to be back around my peers, my team and the excitement of a new year. I may have been a little too excited and was all over the office. Went to lunch with a colleague. Made my rounds. By 3pm I was feeling the pressure in my abdomen. Getting home and getting into comfortable clothes revealed some swelling had returned. This is to be expected as I haven't been overly active until this point. Just a part of the process that I have to put in the right place to not let it get me down.
I go back to see my doctor in 3 weeks. Hopefully will be cleared to get back into the gym! I miss it. I miss being active. I know I will have to ease back into it, but I sure am ready!
Here are a few pictures from week 4!
Sunday, January 4, 2015
3 Week Post Op Photo Update
I am excited to share some photos! I took my binder off to take a shower to reveal that the swelling has gone done a little more! It's really starting to show how the changes are settling. :)
Obviously you can see there its still some bruising and swelling....but SO much better!
Mental Fortitude
Tomorrow marks 3 weeks from surgery! I see improvement with each passing day, but the improvements are small. Some days are even a small step backwards. I have to keep reminding myself that the recovery process is long. I may not see final results for 3 to 6 months. Seems like a lifetime.
None of my clothes fit right now because I'm still swollen. THAT is a tough pill to swallow right now. The thought is that skin/fat is removed and that you should be smaller than before surgery. The reality is quit the contrary. It takes strong mental fortitude and patience to not get bogged down in numbers this early on. Stay the course. The other disappointing part...I still have one drain in. The numbers are inconsistent at this point. Frustrations with the continue.
Good news: I am getting stronger and more mobile by the day. I am sleeping in my bed again, which was a huge step in my book! On the other hand I feel very lethargic. I can't work out yet, besides minimal walking. I haven't been eating poorly, but the lack of basic exercise makes me feel like a lump! HA. I know, I know...all in due time.
I appreciate everyones continued support! I'm getting there. :)
None of my clothes fit right now because I'm still swollen. THAT is a tough pill to swallow right now. The thought is that skin/fat is removed and that you should be smaller than before surgery. The reality is quit the contrary. It takes strong mental fortitude and patience to not get bogged down in numbers this early on. Stay the course. The other disappointing part...I still have one drain in. The numbers are inconsistent at this point. Frustrations with the continue.
Good news: I am getting stronger and more mobile by the day. I am sleeping in my bed again, which was a huge step in my book! On the other hand I feel very lethargic. I can't work out yet, besides minimal walking. I haven't been eating poorly, but the lack of basic exercise makes me feel like a lump! HA. I know, I know...all in due time.
I appreciate everyones continued support! I'm getting there. :)
Sunday, December 28, 2014
Going Bonkers!
Wow! Time has been flying by for the most part. I have to say that I am starting to get cabin fever after being cooped up for 2 weeks. I've gotten out of the the house a couple of times, and today I actually drove myself to the grocery store (with doctor approval)! That felt amazing...to know I am gaining mobility! Other than that I'm tired of sleeping in this recliner. I tried sleeping in my bed last night...I lasted about 4 hours (mostly restless napping) before I moved back to the recliner. The pressure of laying on my sides made me a little nauseous. I'm sure some of it is mental. Maybe one more week in the chair will be enough to make me feel better about it. Huge thank you to Rosemary for hooking me up with the recliner! I can't imagine this recovery without it.
Yesterday I have a two week follow up with my surgeon. He removed my belly button stitches, which still doesn't really look like a belly button to me. The swelling around it is still pretty extensive. It's rock hard, and not in the "rocking a six pack" kind of way. Hardcore swelling means rock hard fluid build up. Speaking of swelling..the swelling on my hips and legs has gone down quite a bit, which makes me very happy! The doctor said I am healing very quickly and was impressed with how far I've come in a short time. I have to continue to massage the areas that are hard/swollen to help dissolve some of the fluid build up. The downside - the second drain has to stay in for a little longer, which was a bummer. It has to drain around 20cc's a day for two day before he will remove it. Right now I am averaging around 50cc's a day. It's annoying but I also don't want to rush removing it...more frustrating than anything else.
How is the pain after 14 days you ask? Actually - I would rate it a 1 out of 10 right now. I'm just really sore. Like I did 10,000 crunches. Bruising on my back and sides still looks pretty bad and is very tender, but I have to keep massaging it as much as possible.
Overall I feel pretty good at the end of week 2. I have no regrets so far. I know that once I heal and the swelling goes down I am going to be very happy with the results!
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