

Friday, December 19, 2014

Post Surgery - First 4 Days

Ok folks!  I'm back....for now.  I've been pretty doped up on pain meds and have been sleeping most of the first few days.  Only waking up to take more meds, measure fluid in my two drains and grab a small bite to eat.

I am happy to say that everything went very well on Monday.  I wasn't too nervous and it all happened so quickly that before I knew it I was waking up from a 3.5hr procedure.  CRAZY!

I wanted to share a few pics from the day of (most of which ended up on Facebook anyway).

Here I am in the fancy surgical gown.  They are so different now...they can actually hook you up to an internal cooling/heating system with this gown!  WOW

The nurse came in asked a bunch of questions and got my IV started.  I met the Operating Nurse who was super sweet.  She had been through the same procedure due to weight loss as well.  It was an immediate bond and I knew I was in good hands.  she lost about 200lbs! WOW.  As you can see the pre-op bed they had for me was a little short! HA.

The Doctor came into the room about 30 minutes before surgery to make some markings on me with a sharpie.  He must have taken years of art in med school!  :).
 As you can see below everything from the horizontal line down was taken out!  CRAZY.  I didn't get pictures of my back which is where most of the lipo was going to happen.  Doc also told me that my belly button was not centered.  WHAT?!?!  32 years of life with an off center belly button???  Thank God he fixed that...how embarrassing!  :)

The nurse and anesthesiologist wheeled me down to the OR and got me moved over to the operating table which had a warmer in it.  Felt very nice.  The nurse asked me if I could center myself on the table.  She said it was really important so that I came out all "straight" and stuff.  OH MAN!  So many jokes I could have made, but I left it alone. Put the oxygen mask on my face and I was OUT.

Here I am waking up from surgery.

Coming out of anesthesia was a breeze.  No nausea.  No sickness.  Nothing. The only real pain I had at the moment was a stomach ache.  Nurse gave me more drugs and told me as soon as I could get up and go urinate I could go home.  Was about an hour later that I was on my way home.  A little nausea along the way, but once I got home an in my chair I was good to go.  The next 24 hours was me sleeping, taking drugs, sleeping, taking drugs.  I had the absolute best friends taking care of me!

I had a post-op appointment the follow day, which also went well. (More later in a different post).

I'm starting to come off the pain meds now, which is pretty cool for only being 4 days out of surgery. Lots of swelling of course.  Lots of tingly, itchy sensations across my belly.

All-in-all, I'm doing MUCH better that I was expecting to be at this point.  SO GO ME!

Last phew photos of general incision lines and bruising.  Scroll at your own risk.

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