

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Signed, Sealed and ALMOST Delivered

So yesterday was Pre-Op appointment with my surgeon.  Which marked my two week countdown (actually is was 13 days) to my surgery.  I got there early in true fashion.  The patient coordinator came and chatted with me.  She is a very enthusiastic and excited woman, which was nice to see during such an anxious time.  The nurse came and took me to the exam room to review the pre-op logistics, which I will get to in a moment.

The interesting part about this appointment is my expectations.  Mentally I went in thinking that I have no expectations.  When I left feeling a little disappointed I realized that I need to get a handle on my expectations.  What I experienced was a well oiled machine of an office.  An office that does this type of surgery regularly and without hesitation. BUT....in my head it seemed robotic, which made it feel impersonal.  After many conversations with my friends and family, I know they were doing their job.  I know they are taking care of me.  I don't need a hug from them - I need them to do their job well.  :)

Back to the logistics.

The nurse walked me thru a laundry list of "Dos & Don's" for the next two weeks.  Most of which I already knew from my extensive research and planning.  The list of medications and CAN'T take is 3 pages long - all because they are blood thinners and that's not a good thing pre, during or post surgery.  Also, no alcohol starting a week before!  I get it...no blood thinning activities.

I had to read and sign several consent forms, nothing too scary.

The doctor came in and reviewed the surgery list with me.  He had me take my surgery off and talked me through exactly what he planned to do.  GUESS WHAT...I get a new belly button out of this.  Yup, that's right folks. A flashy new belly button. Wait, is that weird?? Who cares I'm excited.  He took some photos for the infamous before/after photos and asked if I had any other questions.  I said yes and grabbed my phone where I had been making my list.  He just chuckled and answered everything.  I finished up and went to visit the financial accountant where I paid my "tab" in full!  YIKES, that made it very real.  No turning back now.

Finally I chatted with the Patience Coordinator to get my reporting instructions. December 15th I must arrive at the surgery center at 5:30am....WHAT?  Did she say AM?  Gesh.  Ok, fine.  I will be there as I probably won't sleep the night before.  Surgery will last 3.5 to 4 hours and will go home a couple hours after I am awake.  CRAZY!

So, I am signed, sealed (paid) and almost delivered....11 days and 18 hours until surgery!

Time to start checking my other lists and finalizing my shopping.

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